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文章来源: 一月/January #先行者 浙江-加拿大绿色化工联合实验室落户宁诺,依托宁诺和加拿大西安大略大学优势,推动绿色能源化工领域高端技术的创新、孵化与转化。 Zhejiang - Canada Joint Laboratory on Green Chemicals was successfully listed as an international joint laboratory at the provincial level. Combining the strengths of UNNC and the University of Western Ontario Canada, the Laboratory will support local industrial technological breakthroughs. 宁诺理工学院院长吴韬教授和宁诺商学院教授华秀萍在两会期间建言献策,积极服务地方社会经济,助推宁波高质量发展。 Professor Tao Wu, Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering, and Professor Xiuping Hua from the Ningbo Nottingham Business School (NUBS) China offered suggestions in their areas for the government at municipal and provincial Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, contributing to the development of Ningbo. 滑动查看更多>> 二月/ February #喝彩 美国国际设计大奖(IDA)公布获奖名单,宁诺工业设计学生提交的作品关注弱势群体,全部上榜并狂揽14项大奖。 UNNC students took home 14 awards in the 2022 International Design Awards (IDA), the world-renowned design competition for their concern and care for disadvantaged groups. 在第六届“攻守道”全国大学生企业模拟经营挑战赛中,宁诺学子队与众多高校代表队进行企业运营和竞争模拟,取得全国二等奖。 In the Sixth ERPsim China Competition, UNNC student team performed well among many university teams and won second prize nationwide. 宁波市飞盘运动协会在宁波诺丁汉大学成立,宁波飞盘运动爱好者有了自己的“家”。 Ningbo Flying Disc Association was founded at UNNC, aiming to unite the disc sports players in the city, promote, and popularise disc sports, and enrich the sports categories in Ningbo. 滑动查看更多>> 三月/ March #多元 宁诺迎来第一届创想实践周,通过展览、音乐节、论坛等一系列活动展示学生创意作品,激发了宁诺学子的创意热情。 The first Creative Week introduced a series of activities including “Imagination! Waste Recreation Contest”, “Raw Music Festival”, “Art Attack” to encourage students to explore their passion and provide them opportunities to present and spread their creativity. 残障关爱周系列活动在宁诺举办,推进建设平等、包容、多元的校园,共同促进残障包容性和社区多样性。 The Disability Awareness Campaign called for people's attention to those with disabilities, reducing inequality inside and outside campus, and promoting disability inclusion and community diversity through diverse activities such as a colour run with odd socks. 滑动查看更多>> 四月/ April #焦点 宁波诺丁汉大学11人入选2022“中国高被引学者”,共涉及7个学科,涵盖商学院、人文与社科学院和理工学院。 11 UNNC academics from seven disciplines were selected as 2022 “Highly Cited Chinese Researchers” by Elsevier. 《戏剧概论》《过程工程项目》《设计、制造及项目》三门课程成功入选第二批国家级一流本科课程。 "Introduction to Drama", "Process Engineering Project" and "Design, Manufacture and Project" have been successfully selected as the second batch of National Level First Class Undergraduate Modules. 宁波诺丁汉大学入围2023年泰晤士高等教育亚洲大奖的“年度最佳招生活动”榜单,中国大陆仅5所。 UNNC was shortlisted for the "Student Recruitment Campaign of the Year” award by Times Higher Education (THE) in the THE Asia Awards 2023, being one of the five universities shortlisted in the Chinese mainland. 宁波诺丁汉大学校园开放日盛装重启,吸引海内外近5000人到访,100多万观众线上“云游”互动。 On the annual Open Day, approximately 5,000 people came to campus, and more than 1 million people visited the campus online. 滑动查看更多>> 五月/ May #携力 宁诺与波音共建航空俱乐部,培育面向未来的国际化航空人才。宁诺是浙江省首家,也是首家成立波音航空俱乐部的中外合作办学高校。 UNNC, in collaboration with Boeing, co-established the “UNNC – Boeing Aviation Club” to nurture internationally-orientated aviation talent for the future, being the first among Sino-foreign cooperative universities to establish a Boeing aviation club. 宁诺与甬江实验室签署战略合作框架协议,将在人才培养、资源共享、科研合作、成果转化等方面开展全方位、多层次的战略合作。 UNNC signs a Memorandum (MoU) of Understanding with Yongjiang Laboratory to carry out all-round and multi-level strategic cooperation in talent training, resource sharing, scientific research cooperation, and transformation of achievements. 宁诺与ETS中国共同签署了战略框架合作协议,在教考资源、人才交流等方面共推国际化发展进程。宁诺是第一所与ETS中国达成战略合作关系的合作类办学大学。 UNNC and ETS China signed a MoU to promote international development in terms of teaching and testing resources, talent exchange, and other aspects. UNNC is the first Sino-foreign university to enter into a strategic partnership with ETS China. 滑动查看更多>> 六月/ June #荣耀 诺丁汉大学位列2024QS世界百强!宁诺毕业生手持世界百强大学学位证书,受到世界500强、中外知名企业机构、政府机关、事业单位以及世界顶尖院校的广泛认可。 University of Nottingham is ranked in the TOP 100 in the world in the 2024 edition of the QS World University Rankings. 宁波诺丁汉大学受邀参加2023泰晤士高等教育亚洲大学峰会,与全球一流院校和机构共话未来大学。 UNNC was invited to attend the THE Asia Universities Summit 2023, exploring the opportunities and development of Asia’s universities with top institutes in the region. 滑动查看更多>> 七月/ July #启航 宁诺学子代表中国出征2023年U24世界青年飞盘锦标赛,这是中国飞盘队自2019年后再次以国家队身份参加国际飞盘赛事。 UNNC students participated in the seven-day World Flying Disc Federation 2023 World Under-24 Ultimate Championships representing China. 八月/ August #突破 解决航空电驱领域的世界公认难题,宁诺 “高可靠、轻量化航空电驱系统关键设计技术研发及其产业化应用”项目获2022年度宁波市科学技术进步奖一等奖,全宁波仅九席。 A project for aeroplane electric drive systems with improved efficiency and reduced weight, led by the Power Electronics, Machines and Control Research Group, won first prize in the 2022 Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award. 代表中国参赛,宁波诺丁汉大学华子凡同学和刘泽恺同学斩获国际大学生数学竞赛一、二等奖。 Zifan Hua and Zekai Liu, received individual First Prize and the Second Prize respectively in the International Mathematics Competition, setting a new record for the university in this international competition. 滑动查看更多>> 九月/ September #担当 宁诺举办亚洲地区先进空中交通最大的行业活动“2023未来空中交通国际论坛”,搭建合作平台,推动该领域的探索和产业对接,为全球未来空中交通技术的发展作出贡献。 The largest professional industry event for advanced air mobility in the Asian region, the Advanced Air Mobility International Conference 2023, was successfully hosted at UNNC. This conference contributed significantly to the exploration, contemplation, and industry integration of future air mobility as well as the global development of future air mobility technology. 宁诺作为中英教育合作典范亮相2023年中国国际服贸会教育服务专题展,校党委书记沈伟其教授和教学副校长马飞宇教授(Philip Seltsikas)应邀出席,共议全球教育发展。 UNNC, as a model of Sino-British education, made an appearance in the Education Services Theme Exhibition at the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services. Professor Sam Shen, Party Secretary, and Professor Philip Seltsikas, Vice Provost for Education and Student Experience, were invited to attend the forum to discuss global education development. 第19届亚运会宁波诺丁汉大学赛会志愿者誓师大会举行,106名宁诺志愿者发挥语言优势,在语言翻译、竞赛技术运行、礼宾接待等多个领域为赛事进行提供支持。 UNNC Volunteer Oath-taking Rally of the 19th Asian Games was held on campus. A total of 106 volunteers joined the rally and contributed to the Asian Games through services such as technical officer services, competition operation and interpretation. 中国国家卫生健康委人才交流服务中心与英国商业贸易部共同发起成立“中英卫生人才发展平台”,深化卫生健康领域国际交流合作,加强中英卫生人才交流和发展。宁诺为首批发起成员单位。 To enhance communications and cooperation in the field of healthcare between China and the UK, and promote exchanges around the health workforce development, the 1st UK-China Healthcare Workforce Development Annual Conference was held in Beijing, with UNNC as one of the founding members. 滑动查看更多>> 十月/ October #掌舵 由中外合作办学专委会和宁波诺丁汉大学联合承办“启赋未来教育:中外合作办学研讨会”,来自全国各地的中外合作大学校长们齐聚一堂,携手共商教育发展之路。 The Illuminating Future Education: Forum on Chinese-foreign Cooperation in Running Schools, a parallel forum of the 2023 China Annual Conference and Expo co-organised by UNNC, was held successfully. Provosts of Sino-foreign universities nationwide gathered to collaborate and discuss the path of educational development. 宁诺学生勇于探索,送实验服小熊搭乘热气球飞上2万8千米高空,引发千万级关注,获得央视新闻、中国青年报、光明日报、人民日报等中央级媒体报道。 UNNC students successfully gave a plush bear a 2-hour flying adventure to an altitude of 28,000 metres, garnering attention from tens of millions of viewers and being reported on by a range of national media channels including CCTV News, China Youth Daily and Guangming Daily. “全球前2%顶尖科学家”最新名单公布, 宁诺的21名学者荣登“年度科学影响力排行榜”,8人入围“终身科学影响力排行榜”。 According to the “World’s Top 2% Scientists” list published recently by Stanford University, 21 UNNC scholars are included in the single-year database and eight scholars in the career-long database. 宁波诺丁汉大学工商管理学学科博士后科研流动站成功获批。这是宁诺首次获批博士后科研流动站,具有重要的里程碑意义。 The university was approved to establish a postdoctoral research station in Business Administration, marking a significant milestone as it is UNNC’s first postdoctoral research station. 中国日报社发起“一带一路”语言教育文化组织联盟,宁诺与来自50多个国家的近60家语言、教育及文化组织共同组成了联盟首届理事会。 The Belt and Road Languages and Cultures Network, initiated by China Daily, was established, with UNNC being one of the inaugural members. 滑动查看更多>> 十一月/ November #瞩目 英国驻华大使吴若兰女爵士(Dame Caroline Wilson DCMG)携英国驻上海总领事包迈岫先生(Matthew John Burney)等使馆工作人员访问宁波诺丁汉大学。 Dame Caroline Wilson DCMG, the British Ambassador to China, along with officials from the British Consulate-General Shanghai, visited UNNC. 宁波诺丁汉大学经济与商务、工程科学、社会科学总论三个学科进入ESI全球排名前1%,其中,工程科学和社会科学总论的ESI全球排名分别为0.26%和前 0.5%。 Three subjects of UNNC, Economics and Business, Engineering, and Social Sciences General, entered the top 1% global rankings of ESI. 机械工程、电力电子工程、材料科学与工程、工商管理、管理学和旅游休闲管理六门学科荣登2023“软科世界一流学科排名”榜单,上榜数量位列中国合作类办学高校第二位。 UNNC has six subjects listed in the 2023 Shanghai Ranking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, including Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Business Administration, Management, and Hospitality and Tourism Management, ranking second among Sino-foreign universities in terms of the number of listed subjects. 滑动查看更多>> 十二月/ December #温暖 为缓解宁诺学子考试季压力,宁诺冬季5-HT减压周如约而至。两周的时间里包含了滑翔伞、攀岩、迷你恐龙追击和温暖市集等80多个活动,受到宁诺学子的广泛好评。 The 5-HT Week helped students alleviate stress during the revision period. The two-week event included over 80 activities such as paragliding, rock climbing, mini dinosaur chase, and a cozy market, and received widespread acclaim from students. Students/Graduates #学子/校友 作为全国唯二代表之一,宁诺国际商务和管理专业的蔡露曦登上联合国青年论坛,与世界青年共议禁毒话题。 蔡露曦 Luxi Cai, a student of International Business and Management, discussed China's drug control at the United Nations Youth Forum, as one of two representatives for China. 宁诺地理科学博士徐宇尧参与的有关微塑料和塑料微珠政策管理方面的研究,得到了宁波市和浙江省人大代表的关注,并以立法建议的方式参与到2023年浙江省两会的工作当中。 徐宇尧 The research of Yuyao Xu, a PhD graduate, on the policy management of microplastics and plastic microbeads, has been complied into a legislative proposal in the Zhejiang provincial Two Sessions 2023. 手握4项实用新型专利并被圣戈班集团、比亚迪汽车研究院等知名企业采用,宁诺航空航天工程专业毕业生许之吟被美国密歇根大学录取,实现科研和学业的“双丰收”。 许之吟 Zhiyin Xu, a gradaute of Aerospace Engineering, was admitted by University of Michigan and obtained four utility model patents during his undergraduate study, some of which have been adopted by well-known enterprises such as Saint-Gobain Group and BYD Auto Research Institute. 三夺设计界“奥斯卡”- iF设计奖,宁诺工业设计博士生蓝睿恒不断用技术解决实际问题,为社会带来更多创新。 蓝睿恒 A doctoral student of Product, Design and Manufacture, Ruiheng Lan, won the iF Design Award for the third time with a touchless haptic elevator button he designed, continuously utilising technology to address practical issues and bringing forth innovations for society. 宁诺人文学院经济系毕业生黄海晨获得耶鲁大学录取,并以优异的表现获得该校授予的20000美元奖学金。 黄海晨 Haichen Huang, an Economics graduate, received an offer letter from Yale University with a $20,000 scholarship for his outstanding performance. 收到巴菲特先生的邀请,宁诺金融财务与管理专业毕业生沈俊成,在攻读剑桥金融硕士期间,赴美参加2023年度股东周年大会。 沈俊成 Juncheng Shen, a graduate of Finance, Accounting and Management, was invited by Mr Warren Buffett to attend the 2023 Annual Shareholders Meeting in the United States during his postgraduate study at University of Cambridge. 在网易雷火游戏2023年全国游戏开发大赛中,来自三大学院学子组成的 “板凳龙工作室”斩获全国决赛六大奖项之一的最佳人气奖。 板凳龙工作室 The "Bench Dragon Studio" student team became the winners of the Players’ Choice Award, one of the six national final awards, in the 2023 national game development competition hosted by NetEase Games (ThunderFire). 斩获全国不超20名的克拉伦登奖学金,宁诺电气工程及其自动化专业本科毕业生王子铭直博牛津大学。 王子铭 Ziming Wang, an Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduate, was admitted to Oxford University to study an engineering doctoral degree with full fund from the Clarendon Fund. 宁诺商学院校友陈涵慷慨捐赠100万元,助力母校创新事业。这是首笔来自校友的百万元捐赠。 陈涵 Han Chen, a graduate from NUBS China, generously donated 1 million RMB to UNNC to support innovation initiatives at her alma mater. This marks the first time that the university has received a one million RMB donation from an alumnus. 宁波诺丁汉大学数学与应用数学专业学生江笑斩获 “Speak Out for Engineering”2023年全球总决赛冠军。 江笑 Xiao Jiang, a Mathematics with Applied Mathematics student, stood out from the eight candidates hailing from around the world and won the global championship in the 2023 "Speak Out for Engineering" competition. 宁诺数学与应用数学专业学生谢其志斩获第27届全国大学生击剑锦标赛全国甲组男子花剑个人冠军。 谢其志 Qizhi Xie, a student of Mathematics with Applied Mathematics, won championship in the national Group A men's foil category at the 27th National University Fencing Championship. 2023年清华大学全球可持续发展目标公共政策案例分析大赛中,宁诺国际事务与国际关系专业学生邵逸飞和刘德恺在全球50多个院校队伍中获得本科生组二等奖。 邵逸飞(右)、刘德恺(左) In the "2023 Tsinghua International Case Analysis Competition of Public Policy on Sustainable Development Goals," two International Studies students, Dekai Liu and Yifei Shao, won second prize in the undergraduate category among more than 50 teams from prestigious universities around the world. 滑动查看更多>> Staff/Research #教师/科研 中国科学院公布了2023年新当选中国科学院外籍院士名单,诺丁汉大学化学教授马丁·波利亚科夫(Martyn Poliakoff)凭借其对中国科学技术发展的卓越贡献以及在国际学术领域中的权威地位,位列30名入选外籍院士之一。 马丁·波利亚科夫 In 2023, the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced the list of newly elected foreign academicians, and Sir Martyn Poliakoff, Research Professor of Chemistry at the University of Nottingham, was entitled to this great honour for his extraordinary contribution to China’s scientific development. 宁波诺丁汉大学党委书记沈伟其教授受邀出席高博会2023高等教育国际化高质量发展论坛,并发表题为《新时代高质量中外合作办学四大作用和四项原则》的主旨演讲,分享了宁诺中外合作办学的实践和经验。 沈伟其 ProfessorSam Shen was invited to attend the 2023 Internationalisation and High-quality Development Forum for Higher Education and delivered a keynote speech on the principles and functions of Sino-foreign education under the current context, sharing the practiceand experience of UNNC. 宁诺国际交流与合作副校长张毓隆(Alain Yee Loong Chong)教授和人文与社会科学学院沙拉万·卢克拉兹(Shravan Luckraz)教授被浙江省政府授予“西湖友谊奖”。 张毓隆(左)、沙拉万·卢克拉兹(右) Professor Alain Chong, Vice Provost for Global Engagement and Partnerships, and Professor Shravan Luckraz from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences were awarded the West Lake Friendship award by Zhejiang Provincial Government. 由谢景、龙腾文和唐郁婷三位宁波诺丁汉大学学者共同指导、宁波诺丁汉大学图书馆全力打造的宁波历史数字人文项目获2022年中国数字人文优秀设计奖。 宁波历史数字人文项目 The Ningbo History Digital Humanities Project, co-directed by three UNNC scholars - Dr Jing Xie, Dr Tengwen Long and Dr Yuting Tang - and developed by the Library, won the Excellent Design Award at 2022 China Digital Humanities Conference. 滑动查看更多>> 翻开新的一页 是初始之章 也是初心如故 此刻,用2023的成长和荣耀 换新年的期待 启程再出发,创造就现在 在评论区和本鸭 分享你对新年的期待吧~ In the upcoming new year of 2024, What are your plans and expectations? Please share in the comments. 图文来源 | Jenny Zhuang,王珂帆,李楠,Elena Yang 精彩内容 宁波诺丁汉大学 【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片 了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、 多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>> #宁诺, 我的青春烙印# 登上国际舞台的 宁诺学子 #诺缤纷# 多元融合的 校园活动 #心守诺研# 国际化科研高地 #专业聚焦# 王牌专业 一键直达 #报考宁诺# 点击获取 第一手招生资讯 << 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >> << 左右滑动查看更多 >> @Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室
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