宁诺人文社科学院迎来新院长:Catriona Morrison教授
Please scroll down for the English version -UNNC welcomes Professor Catriona Morrison as new Dean of FHSS.2024年伊始,宁波诺丁汉大学人文社科学院迎来了一位新院长,来自英国的心理学教授莫鸢(Catriona Morrison)。Morrison教授拥有出色的领导和管理能力,她的到来将会继续推动未来人文社科学院在学术和科研上的发展。Catriona Morrison教授院长寄语:宁波诺丁汉大学人文社科学院欢迎你!我们以全球化的视野和多元化的学术环境为学生提供丰富多样的学位课程。作为学院的一员,你将感受到我们充满活力的员工文化和前沿的教学与研究。学院下设经济系、教育与英语语言文学系、国际传播系和国际事务与国际关系学系(结合国际政治和历史)以及一个小语种语言教学中心,提供本科、硕士和博士水平的教学。我们致力于培养学生与世界沟通交流的技能和知识,训练他们的批判性思维并培养他们的探究、分析与创造力。在人文社科学院,你将获得真正的全球化体验。我们采用全英文授课,并鼓励学生将学位与第二语言相结合,提升学习体验并为进入国际市场做好准备。选择学习法语、德语、西班牙语、日语或韩语将为学生提供额外的技能,增加对国际雇主的吸引力。此外,我们的学生还可以通过与全球各地的U21大学进行交流合作,或在英国诺丁汉大学及其马来西亚校区深化他们的国际化体验。我们引以为豪的是拥有高比例的国际化教师团队。他们在历史学、政治学、新闻学、传媒与电影研究、教育学、语言学、微观和宏观经济学、心理学等领域拥有专业知识和丰富的国际化经验。我们努力提供反映最新知识的教育和学生体验,并通过教学和研究的紧密结合来实现这一目标。我们的学术人员将前沿知识融入课程,以研究为主导的教学模式让学生参与正在进行的研究项目。学院超过80%的本科毕业生选择继续深造,进入世界顶级大学攻读研究生课程。许多学生进一步攻读博士学位,成为新一代的学术研究人员和教师。人文和社会科学学位将为你在媒体行业、教育部门、公共服务、咨询和卫生等各行业的职业生涯做好准备。我们的毕业生充满好奇心,对世界充满责任感,并积极参与并改善所处的社会。期待你加入宁波诺丁汉大学人文社科学院大家庭!院长简介Morrison教授在加入宁波诺丁汉大学就任人文与社会科学学院院长之前,曾担任过多个领导职务。她曾是英国法学大学理学院创始院长,由她带领创立的理学院提供心理学、计算机科学、犯罪学、警务和教育等专业。Morrison教授在格拉斯哥大学获得硕士学位,在约克大学获得心理学博士学位。她的研究兴趣广泛,发表的论文包括语言发展、失智症、网络行为、童年与成年记忆等主题。她对教学充满热忱,曾任英国心理学会教育委员会主席。她也是特许心理学家和英国心理学会会士。UNNC welcomes Professor Catriona Morrison as new Dean of FHSSProfessor Catriona Morrison has joined the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) as the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.With exceptional leadership and management skills in overseeing diverse groups across multiple subject areas, she brings with her a wealth of experience and a distinguished career in academia, making her a valuable addition to the UNNC community.Biography of Professor Catriona MorrisonProfessor Morrison is the new Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Prior to joining UNNC in 2024 she held several leadership positions, most recently as Dean of Science at the University of Law, where she instituted the Science School, which delivered programmes in Psychology, Computer Science, Criminology, Policing and Education. Professor Morrison obtained her MA from the University of Glasgow and DPhil from the University of York, specializing in Psychology. Her research interests are diverse and her publications include topics such as language development, dementia, internet behaviour, and childhood and adult memories. Professor Morrison is passionate about learning and teaching and is a past Chair of the British Psychological Society’s Education Board. She is a Chartered Psychologist and a Fellow of the British Psychological Society.Dean’s WelcomeWelcome to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China. We have a broad portfolio of stimulating degree programmes, a vibrant staff culture and cutting-edge teaching and research.FHSS hosts four Schools plus the Language Centre, offering teaching at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels. The Schools of Economics, Education and English, International Communications, and International Studies (mixing International Politics and History) provides students with the skills and knowledge to engage with the world around them, training them in critical thinking and fostering skills of enquiry, analysis and creativity. FHSS offers a truly global experience, embedded in our aim to cultivate a global mindset in all our graduates. Our programmes are all delivered in English, and students can combine their degree with a language to enhance further their learning experience and prepare them for an international graduate marketplace. Choosing to study French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin or Korean will provide you with an additional skillset that is very attractive to international employers. Our students also deepen their international experience during their studies through our exchange partnerships with U21 universities around the globe, or at University of Nottingham or its Malaysia campus.FHSS is proud to host a high percentage of international staff have expertise in areas such as History, Politics, Journalism, Media and Film Studies, Education, English, Micro- and Macroeconomics, Psychology, as well as a wealth of experience from international universities. We deliver an education and student experience reflecting the most up-to-date knowledge, through the close integration of teaching and research. Our research-informed teaching puts cutting-edge knowledge at the centre of our curriculum, and our academic staff in turn actively engage our students in their ongoing research activities.Our graduates receive the same degree certificate as all University of Nottingham graduates. The University of Nottingham is a top 20 UK university, so our graduates are very attractive to employers. Over 80% of UNNC undergraduate students choose to continue their education and enter postgraduate programmes in the world’s top universities. Many go on to do PhDs and become the next generation of academic researchers and teachers.A degree in Humanities and Social Sciences will prepare you for a career in a range of industries including the media industry, the education sector, public service, consultancies and health. It is important to us that our graduates are curious and responsible about the world and seek both to engage and improve the societies in which they live.We look forward to welcoming you to the FHSS family!文案|FHSS排版|Ayuan精彩内容宁波诺丁汉大学【聚光,向未来】系列宣传片了解汇聚国际一流师资的课堂、改变世界的科研创新、多元融合的缤纷校园活动及流光溢彩的大学生活。 已关注 关注 重播 分享 赞 关闭观看更多更多退出全屏切换到竖屏全屏退出全屏宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论分享视频,时长00:470/000:00/00:47 切换到横屏模式 继续播放进度条,百分之0播放00:00/00:4700:47全屏 倍速播放中 0.5倍 0.75倍 1.0倍 1.5倍 2.0倍 超清 流畅 您的浏览器不支持 video 标签 继续观看 宁诺人文社科学院迎来新院长:Catriona Morrison教授 观看更多转载,宁诺人文社科学院迎来新院长:Catriona Morrison教授宁波诺丁汉大学已关注分享点赞在看已同步到看一看写下你的评论 视频详情 点击边框调出视频工具条 点击边框调出视频工具条 点击边框调出视频工具条 <<< 点击即可播放, 左右滑动查看更多 >>>#宁诺,我的青春烙印#登上国际舞台的宁诺学子#诺缤纷#多元融合的校园活动#心守诺研#国际化科研高地#专业聚焦#王牌专业一键直达#报考宁诺#点击获取第一手招生资讯<< 点击图片阅读栏目精彩内容,左右滑动查看更多特色专栏 >><< 左右滑动查看更多 >>@Copyright 转载或进一步了解宁波诺丁汉大学市场与传媒办公室commsandmarketing@nottingham.edu.cn
更新时间:24-01-25 来源:OfferEasy官网