/ 选学校
/ 新西兰大学
/ 惠灵顿维多利亚大学
教学(中学)研究生文凭 综排:--
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary)
应用语言学 综排:--
Master of Applied Linguistics
语言学 综排:--
Master of Linguistics
哲学、政治和经济 综排:--
Master of Philosophy, Politics and Economics
科学(论文) 综排:--
Master of Science by thesis
应用语言学研究生文凭 综排:--
Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics
语言学研究生文凭 综排:--
Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics
人文研究生文凭 综排:51
Graduate Diploma in Arts
博物馆与遗产实践 综排:68
Master of Museum and Heritage Practice
博物馆和遗产实践研究生文凭 综排:68
Postgraduate Diploma in Museum and Heritage Practice
文学 综排:68
Bachelor of Arts
人文 综排:68
Master of Arts
设计环境的研究生文凭 综排:101
Graduate Diploma in Designed Environments
跨文化交流与应用翻译 综排:101
Master of Intercultural Communication and Applied Translation
艺术学研究生文凭 综排:101
Postgraduate Diploma in Arts
跨文化交流和应用翻译研究生文凭 综排:101
Postgraduate Diploma in Intercultural Communication and Applied Translation
科学(授课+论文) 综排:370
Master of Science by coursework and thesis
建筑学 综排:9999
Bachelor of Architectural Studies
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