
University of Central Lancashire

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英-中央兰开夏大学-Important Name Change - University of Lancashire

阅读:103次 添加时间:2024-12-20 编辑: admin

Dear Partner,



Holiday greetings from the festive Preston! I hope this email finds you well.


You may be aware that earlier this year we made an application to the Office for Students (OfS) to change the name of our University to the University of Lancashire. I wanted you to be one of the first to know, that following the consultation, this request has now been granted. We felt it was important to share this significant news with you as soon as possible.  The OfS decision follows a period of consultation during which everyone was given the opportunity to provide feedback.  


Our new name is a vital step in aligning our identity with our regional significance while enhancing our recognition both nationally and internationally. Our current name, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), has long been a source of confusion. While widely recognised within the NorthWest, it does not fully represent our broader mission and reach as a multi-campus institution. The acronym "UCLan" is not well understood outside our heartland, with research showing that in 2022, 45% of students surveyed had ‘never heard’ of UCLan before—especially school leavers and those outside our region. By changing our name, we will highlight the fact that we are a university and operate predominantly across the county of Lancashire.  


As the University of Lancashire, we will reaffirm our position as a civic pillar of Lancashire, proud of our deep roots in the region. This change reflects our dedication to the county’s development and acknowledges our ambition to strengthen our presence on the global stage. With nearly 200 years of history, we want our name to accurately reflect who we are and where we come from.  This change is a key component of our strategy to improve national recruitment and boost our international recognition. Our name will help prospective students, partners, and communities across the UK and abroad better understand who we are and what we stand for. 


We are aiming for September 2025 to be the official launch of the University of Lancashire, however, expect to see some changes taking place across the next few months.  Thank you in advance for your support as we move forward with this important change. You can find the OfS statement here Approval of proposed new name for University of Central Lancashire - Office for Students