
The University of Sheffield

英国 公立


亲爱的伙伴们,相信已经有不少小伙伴们通过各种渠道了解到了很多关于谢菲2025年入学信息的更新,但我还是想把这些信息整合到一起发给大家,方便大家参考。1. 我们取消了分阶段录取(staged admissions)以及平等对待日期(Date of Equal Consideration),简化了录取程序。现在,无论申请人何时递交申请,只要在申请截止日期前(一般情况下为2025年9月初),都将被考虑。2. 对于在读学生的利好:大部分的硕士课程有机会在目前成绩只有Lower Second 2:2 (或者相对应的加权平均分%)的情况下,依然有可能拿到conditional offer,所以欢迎目前成绩只有2:2但尚未毕业的同学申请。3. 课程更新:谢菲经济学院 (School of Economics)MSc Business Finance and Economics 重磅回归!有别于其他经济学院的课程,该课程的录取要求更加灵活,例如只需要本科阶段修过一门数学相关的课程以及一门统计学相关课程,不需要本科修过宏观经济学以及微观经济学,能够接受微积分或者线性代数等来满足该课程的数学要求,接受统计学原理或概率论与(数理)统计等来满足该课程的统计学要求。谢菲管理学院 (Sheffield University Management School) MSc Marketing Management Practice 更名为 MSc Strategic Marketing and Branding MSc Occupational Psychology 更名为 MSc Business and Organisational Psychology (英国心理学会认证)MSc Work Psychology 暂时停止2025入学招生谢菲工程学院电子电子系 (EEE)MSc Semiconductor Photonics and Electronics 暂时停止2025入学招生,学生可以选择我们电子电气系下的其他专业。4. 我们自己整理了一些要求本科 Lower Second 2:2 学位(或同等水平)的硕士课程,仅供大家参考:5. 奖学金2025年优秀国际研究生奖学金(10000英镑学费减免,共75个名额)2025年优秀国际本科生奖学金(每年10000英镑学费减免,共75个名额)最后,已经有一些小伙伴们注意到最近发的很多PGT的offer里已经没有推荐信的要求了,目前我们得到的消息是 “所有没有专业认证的硕士课程都不再需要推荐信了(学校保留要求学生补交的权利)。有专业认证的课程(例如管院所有的课程,因为管院是三重认证),依然需要递交推荐信 (P.S 如果是3+1的学生,如果学校对于已经提交的两封推荐信满意的话,就不会再额外要求提交来自于海外教育机构的reference letter了)”。学校还在确认最后的一些细节,等全部确认后我还会再单独补一个关于‘推荐信’的邮件给大家的,请大家以之后的邮件为准,谢谢!

更新时间:24-11-13 来源:OfferEasy官网

英-SG学习集团-【重要更新】Sheffield PMP录取要求调整

尊敬的SG合作伙伴: 诚挚的通知您, 谢菲尔德大学国际学院硕士预科课程中国学历入学要求从即日起调整如下:  本科学士学位 平均分 60% 本科毕业证 平均分 60% 3+2专升本学历 平均分 70% 3年全日制大专毕业 平均分 70% 备注:1)远程授课本科学历按个案受理,自学方式暂不接受。2)所有受教育部认可的职业类本科和专科学历享受以上同等待遇。 谢菲尔德大学卖点总结:Ø 位于英国英格兰第四大城市的谢菲尔德市,入选2024世界最佳留学城市TOP 68. 生活成本比伦敦低20%以上Ø 大学是红砖大学、罗素大学集团的杰出代表。历史上出过6位诺贝尔奖获得者。Ø 2025 QS排名英国TOP 15,2024年罗素集团学生满意度第一,荣获2024英国年度大学荣誉,学生会和体验度评选全英第一,提供终生免费就业指导支持。Ø 共50个学系,2021年研究卓越框架(REF)科研影响力全英第7。其中,管理学院获得AACSB、AMBA和EQUIS三大认证,工程方面是全英研究收入和投资排名第一的大学,被誉为工程帝国,校园内设AMRC高价值制造研究中心与众多合作伙伴进行科研合作,2021年建起全球首个量子设备制造工厂,在人工智能、数字化生产等方面和清华大学未来实验室合作,英国首个国家级6G研究部门在谢菲尔德大学建立。信息系连续多年位居全球专业排名第一,2024 QS 全球TOP 100专业还包括建筑、考古、地理、材料科学、机械航空制造工程、环境科学、发展学、传播学、政治学、土木工程、化学工程、解剖学和生理学等学科。 感谢对学习集团一如既往的支持  

更新时间:24-08-16 来源:OfferEasy官网


来自英国University of Sheffield的Newsletter,主要内容:谢菲确认考试成绩,接机,行前指导等信息,详细信息请阅读以下邮件 Agent newsletter - August 2024Dear colleagues, We are pleased to bring you the August issue of our agent newsletter (previous issue available here).In this issue:Process for confirming exam results for conditional offer holdersAgent portal updatesMeet and greet bookings openPre-departure briefingsUK Government: international students are welcomeChanges in UCAS statements for 2026 entryProcess for confirming exam results for conditional offer holdersWe recently contacted all undergraduate applicants who have accepted a conditional offer, to explain the process of confirming their exam results and to make sure they have received the necessary information about accommodation and applying for their CAS number. We’ve also contacted all postgraduate conditional offer holders to provide information on accepting their offer and how to upload new exam results when they have met the conditions of their offer. If any students need to contact us they can find details here. Over the A Level results period from 12 August to 14 August we will not be able to respond to enquiries while we process exam results and you will not be able to access applications as the UCAS system will be closed.  Meet and Greet airport service 2024Our friendly Global Campus team will be running a pick-up service from Manchester Airport to the University of Sheffield from 14 September until 28 September 2024. If your students would like to book this service, they can find all the relevant information by accessing this link.Pre-departure briefings  We are holding four online pre-departure briefings for new students on 7 and 28 August. These sessions are a great way for students to get all the information they need before setting off, and can help answer any questions or concerns that students may have.These sessions are also a way for you to be better informed when counselling your students, so book on and share details with your students.DateTime (UK)SessionBookWednesday 7 August12 noon to 1pmPre-departure briefingbook nowWednesday 7 August7pm to 8pmPre-departure briefingbook nowWednesday 28 August12 noon to 1pmPre-departure briefingbook nowWednesday 28 August4 to 5pmPre-departure briefingbook nowOur Sheffield Live sessions have been a great success this year and we’re busy planning our schedule of events for the Autumn. Look out for details in upcoming editions of the Agent News.UK government: international students are welcomeThe UK government has reaffirmed its commitment to welcoming international students. In a speech by new Secretary of State for Education Bridget Phillipson at the Embassy Education Conference on 23 July, the government said: “Be in no doubt: international students are welcome in the UK. This new government values their contribution – to our universities, to our communities, to our country.” The secretary also confirmed the Graduate route will remain in place, and the UK's excellent universities remain open for prospective students with confidence and certainty.Changes in UCAS statements for 2026 entryStarting next year, UCAS will replace personal statements with three structured questions for applicants. Beginning in September 2025, students will be asked to explain why they want to study their chosen course, how their qualifications and studies have prepared them, and what additional experiences outside of education have equipped them for the course. These questions allow applicants to demonstrate their passion, relevant skills, and suitability for the course. The total character limit for the answers will remain at 4000, similar to the current personal statement limit. Please note there is no change for 2025 entry.

更新时间:24-08-02 来源:OfferEasy官网


谢菲学联将会在中国的四个城市线下举办2024新生行前会亲爱的同学们, 你们好!我们是谢菲尔德中国学生学者联谊会(简称谢菲中国学联)。 谢菲中国学联作为谢菲尔德地区唯一一个受中国领事馆指导的非盈利中国留学生组织。谢菲中国学联一直坚定的走在服务海外中国留学生的道路上,谢菲中国学联始终是大家最坚实的后盾。 为了能够更好的帮助到即将出发来到英国的同学们,从7月27日到8月17日,我们将会在中国的四个城市线下举办2024新生行前会。 在行前会上,我们邀请了谢菲尔德大学老师、各位学长学姐以及嘉宾,为即将出行的同学们带来详尽的留学指南,每年的的行前会都广受家长同学们的好评,相信今年的行前会同样能帮助到你! 该活动完全免费,并现场为新生们赠送伴手礼。 为帮助大家更直观了解英国留学和生活日常,提前做好适应新生活的准备,在2024谢菲中国学联行前会中,学长学姐将详细地从以下方面为大家一一介绍:从出发前的宿舍选择,到落地后的学校警局医疗注册,再到专业课程选择,以及在谢菲尔德平日的生活娱乐等等。谢菲尔德中国学联会为同学们解答各种疑惑,为大家的留学生活提供一段美妙的开端! 我们诚挚地邀请所有即将入学的新生、家长来参加2024谢菲中国学联行前会! 活动内容 :        - 谢菲尔德生活指南       - 留学须知注意事项       - 学习规划&未来发展       - 学长学姐现场答疑       - 学生手册派发       - 学生家长Q&A座谈 行前会城市及日期: 7.27 北京场 北京海航大厦万豪酒店(朝阳区霄云路甲26号)8.3 上海场 上海雅居乐万豪侯爵酒店(黄浦区西藏中路555号)8.10 成都场 榛悦·隆堡成都酒店(锦江区下东大街216号)8.17 深圳场 深圳南悦智慧酒店(南山区茶光路与石鼓路交汇处2002号) 时间安排:13:00学生入场,签到开始13:30活动开始17:00活动结束 报名方式(免费):1.点击下方链接打开报名表2.选择所在城市并完成问卷3.报名成功   谢菲中国学联行前会报名表https://docs.qq.com/form/page/DWnpTTUxsZUNMcElk 期待在行前会的现场遇见你! 祝好,谢菲尔德中国学生学者联谊会

更新时间:24-07-25 来源:OfferEasy官网


谢菲以下专业需要7月8号之前支付押金MSc courses in the Department of Computer ScienceMSc East Asian BusinessMSc Data ScienceMA Global JournalismMSc courses in the Management SchoolMBA (Master of Business Administration)We’ve made you an offer for a course that uses our staged admissions process, and our records show that you’ve yet to pay a tuition fee deposit of £1000. Courses that use our staged admissions process include the following:MSc courses in the Department of Computer ScienceMSc East Asian BusinessMSc Data ScienceMA Global JournalismMSc courses in the Management SchoolMBA (Master of Business Administration)Paying a deposit lets us know that you definitely intend to take up your place and helps us to plan for your arrival. You need to have paid the deposit before we can arrange your CAS.Action requiredIf you’d like to join us in September, please accept your offer and pay your deposit by Monday 8 July. If you haven’t paid your deposit by 8 July, we will withdraw your offer. If you’ve recently paid the deposit, please disregard this reminder. You can accept (or decline) your offer by logging back into your original online application. When you’ve accepted your offer, you’ll be able to pay the deposit via our secure online payment system. You can find more information about the deposit on our webpage. This includes a link to our payment system, and a list of the circumstances in which we’ll refund a deposit.If at least half of your tuition fee will be paid by a sponsor recognised by the University (for example your national government or your employer), you won’t need to pay a deposit. If this is the case, or if you’re planning to apply for sponsorship, please let us know at admissions@sheffield.ac.uk. The 8 July deadline only applies to offers for courses that use our staged admissions process. If you have any other offers, these are not affected. You can find more information about starting at Sheffield via our New Students webpage.If you have any questions about the deposit, or any aspect of your Sheffield offer, please contact us at admissions@sheffield.ac.uk and our team will be happy to help.Best wishes, Andrew WormaldHead of Postgraduate AdmissionsThe University of Sheffield

更新时间:24-06-17 来源:OfferEasy官网


Agent newsletter - June 2024Dear colleaguesWe are pleased to bring you the June issue of our agent newsletter (previous issue available here). In this issue:Paying deposits on staged coursesThe graduate route visaUCAS cycle dates and deadlinesSheffield Live events coming up Paying deposits on staged coursesWe have extended our deadline for offer holders for staged courses to pay their £1000 tuition fee deposit to Monday 8 July.  Paying a deposit lets us know that the student intends to take up their place. If we do not receive the deposit by this date the offer may be withdrawn. Students must have accepted the offer and paid the deposit before the university can arrange the CAS.  Further details about the deposit, including a link to our payment system and the circumstances under which we provide refunds (for example if the student fails to meet the conditions of their offer) can be found on our webpage. If at least half of the tuition fee will be sponsored by a body recognised by the University (for example a national government or employer) or if at least half is expected to be covered by a scholarship, students will be exempt from paying a deposit. If this is the case for any of your students please email admissions@sheffield.ac.uk.Graduate route visa newsIn case you missed the announcement, we are delighted to announce that the UK government has confirmed that the Graduate route visa is here to stay, recognising the value and contribution our international graduates make to the UK workforce. In our newest ‘We Are International’ video our international gradates talk about their experience of the graduate route and their career paths. The video can also be viewed here.Upcoming UCAS deadlines For the 2024 admissions cycle UCAS will close for applications on 30 June 2024 . Clearing opens on 5 July 2024, applications received after 30 June will automatically  be entered into Clearing. Please check the clearing webpage for the most up to date information.Upcoming Sheffield Live events Our online events are valuable resources for your prospective students, providing advice and information on a wide range of topics related to studying at Sheffield. These sessions are also an excellent way for you to gain insights for better counselling your students. Book any sessions that interest you and share the details with your students. A list of all upcoming events can be found here.Additionally, please encourage your offer holders to join our Official Offer Holders Facebook group. This group allows them to connect with fellow students and hear from our International Student Ambassadors about their experiences at Sheffield. We also share reminders about upcoming webinars, Q&A sessions, and content for prospective students.DateTime (UK)SessionBookWednesday 12 June12 noon to 1pmInternational alumni panelbook nowWednesday 12 June5 to 6pmVirtual campus tour with tips on making the most of your open daybook nowWednesday 12 June8 to 9pmInternational alumni panelbook nowWednesday 19 June12 noon to 1pmStudent panel: Social Life in Sheffieldbook nowWednesday 26 June12 noon to 1pmInternational alumni panelbook nowWednesday 26 June5 to 6pmStudent panel: Preparing for universitybook nowWednesday 26 June4 to 5pmInternational alumni panelbook nowWednesday 3 July12 noon to 1pmInternational alumni panelbook nowWednesday 3 July4 to 5pmInternational alumni panelbook nowWednesday 10 July12 noon to 1pmPre-departure briefing book now

更新时间:24-06-14 来源:OfferEasy官网


Dear2024年谢菲尔德大学语言班申请开放中!无论你即将入读本科、硕士或是博士课程,谢菲尔德大学语言班将帮助你提升英语与学术技能,为即将入读的学位课程做好准备。如果您的语言成绩未达到学位课程要求2024年夏天,谢菲尔德大学英语语言教学中心(ELTC)提供六周或十周的语言班,可以选择线上或线下就读。完成语言班并达到考核要求,无需再参加雅思考试即可升读学位课程。请访问官网查看详细信息并进行申请:https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/eltc/presessional如果您的语言成绩已达到学位课程要求欢迎申请为期四周的学术素养与大学文化预备课(Academic Literacy and University Culture programme)。该课程旨在帮助学生熟悉在英国学习必备的学术知识,提前了解英国大学文化。通过该课程,你将会了解到所在院系的学术写作风格、练习如何在研讨会及发表汇报演讲时进行有效沟通、学习如何广泛而有针对性地阅读学术文章等等。这些实用学术技能将为你的学位课程提供良好的开端。*该课程的考核结果不会影响学位课程offer及签证状态。语言班可接受的英语考试成绩1.线上语言班无需申请签证,可接受的英语考试:- IELTS for UKVI- IELTS (Academic)- IELTS Indicator (taken after July 2020)- LanguageCert International ESOL B2 Communicator or C1 Expert (available online)- Pearson PTE- Cambridge English C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency- TOEFL iBT and Special Home Edition- NCUK English Language Test成绩换算要求请查看网页:- IELTS、LanguageCert:https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/eltc/modules/term-4-entry-requirements- TOEFL iBT 、Pearson PTEhttps://www.sheffield.ac.uk/eltc/english-testing/test-comparisons2.线下语言班可接受的英语考试:在多数情况下,学生需申请单独语言班签证。可接受的英语考试为:- IELTS for UKVI- Trinity Integrated Skills in English (ISE) taken in the UK- Pearson Test of English Academic UKVI (PTE Academic)- LanguageCert International ESOL SELT如果您申请联合签证,但英语成绩尚未达到学位课程要求,可接受的英语考试与上述相同。

更新时间:24-06-12 来源:OfferEasy官网


2024年谢菲尔德大学语言班申请开放中!无论你即将入读本科、硕士或是博士课程,谢菲尔德大学语言班将帮助你提升英语与学术技能,为即将入读的学位课程做好准备。如果您的语言成绩未达到学位课程要求2024年夏天,谢菲尔德大学英语语言教学中心(ELTC)提供六周或十周的语言班,可以选择线上或线下就读。完成语言班并达到考核要求,无需再参加雅思考试即可升读学位课程。请访问官网查看详细信息并进行申请:https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/eltc/presessional如果您的语言成绩已达到学位课程要求欢迎申请为期四周的学术素养与大学文化预备课(Academic Literacy and University Culture programme)。该课程旨在帮助学生熟悉在英国学习必备的学术知识,提前了解英国大学文化。通过该课程,你将会了解到所在院系的学术写作风格、练习如何在研讨会及发表汇报演讲时进行有效沟通、学习如何广泛而有针对性地阅读学术文章等等。这些实用学术技能将为你的学位课程提供良好的开端。*该课程的考核结果不会影响学位课程offer及签证状态。语言班可接受的英语考试成绩1.线上语言班无需申请签证,可接受的英语考试:- IELTS for UKVI- IELTS (Academic)- IELTS Indicator (taken after July 2020)- LanguageCert International ESOL B2 Communicator or C1 Expert (available online)- Pearson PTE- Cambridge English C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency- TOEFL iBT and Special Home Edition- NCUK English Language Test成绩换算要求请查看网页:- IELTS、LanguageCert:https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/eltc/modules/term-4-entry-requirements- TOEFL iBT 、Pearson PTEhttps://www.sheffield.ac.uk/eltc/english-testing/test-comparisons2.线下语言班可接受的英语考试:在多数情况下,学生需申请单独语言班签证。可接受的英语考试为:- IELTS for UKVI- Trinity Integrated Skills in English (ISE) taken in the UK- Pearson Test of English Academic UKVI (PTE Academic)- LanguageCert International ESOL SELT如果您申请联合签证,但英语成绩尚未达到学位课程要求,可接受的英语考试与上述相同。

更新时间:24-06-12 来源:OfferEasy官网


1.   学费涨价通知。自2024年3月6日起,谢菲尔德大学国际学院学费24/25学年课程将进行调整。https://usic.sheffield.ac.uk/how-to-apply/fees如学生已经在这之前拿到2024年9月、2024年11月、2025年1月、2025年3月的预科offer,即衔接2025年9月的本科和硕士的所有预科开学季,在2024年3月5日之前支付押金1260英镑且把押金底单和签字接受函回传给录取办,则按照现有offer的费用基准。请学生尽快确认入学意愿。请预留到账时间,提前交押金更有性价比噢!锁定学位步骤: 签字接受函+ 押金付款证明。发放录取信不等于占位成功。必须完成上述锁定学位步骤,位置先到先得。收到confirmation letter 才证明锁位成功。近期已更新所有专业2024全年均可以先交钱占位后补语言的政策。                                               2.   3月新生线下见面会。3月9日上海,3月10日成都,3月16日北京,3月17日广州,时间是下午1点30分-4点,这是大学直录和预科学生均可以参加的见面会,无论是已经拿到offer还是已经交了押金都可以参加。大学的校长和部分学院的老师也会来到活动和大家见面答疑解惑。报名可以扫下方二维码,具体地址会以确认函的形式发给学生。3.       3月线下/ 线上奖学金面试活动。目前线下奖学金面试活动面向成都(3月11日)、武汉(3月12日)、上海(3月13日)和北京(3月15日)举行,如不在以上城市的学生可以申请参加线上奖学金面试,如在以上城市的同学时间不合适,也可以申请参加线上奖学金面试。报名可以扫下方二维码,后台收到信息后会在活动前2天联系学生确认具体的时间段和地址(线下)/参与平台(线上)。优先安排3月6日之前已报名的学生。4.       可接受的语言种类:衔接本预&本预硕预语言班,UKVI 雅思,UKVI 朗斯和UKVI 培生,                                        衔接硕预(直入),包括UKVI类,以及普雅(含IELTS  online),托福(含家考版),朗斯(含线上朗斯),培生,内测(可向SG 校方咨询)具体对应的分数可向SG校方或小助手了解。  5.       谢菲尔德大学预科官方学生微信群已设立,可加小助手微信号:SGassistant 备注学号和名字 即可提前加入组织认识小伙伴 更多的学校信息,敬请多关注学校的官网和邮件。祝学生们都前程似锦,学有所成,梦想成真!

更新时间:24-03-05 来源:OfferEasy官网


来自英国University of Sheffield的Newsletter,主要内容:部分硕士课程录取要求更新We would like to update you that all staged admissions programmes apart from MSc Data Science, (INFT 85), will now consider applications from Top 590 ARWU ranked institutions. This change is to bring us in line with other PG courses across the University, and we hope to welcome applications from a broader range of students. Please note that this isn’t a guarantee of acceptance, and those applications from higher ranked institutions will be more likely to secure an offer. The MSc Data Science entry requirements will remain the same.  In some cases, applications which were previously rejected based on their institution ranking, may be reconsidered for the following courses:MA Global JournalismMSc East Asian BusinessMSc Management (International Business)MSc Creative and Cultural Industries ManagementMSc International Management and MarketingMSc Marketing Management PracticeMSc Finance and AccountingMSc International Management and Marketing The Admissions Service will contact these applicants directly. These changes are effective immediately.  All other staged admissions application processes and timelines remain the same. Please see the changes relating specifically to staged admissions in the document attached. Our admissions team is available for questions until Friday 22 December 12 noon UK time. Please note, however, that the university is closed on Saturday 23rd December to Tuesday 2nd January (inclusive).  Any questions for our admissions team that come in during this time, will be answered from 3rd January onwards. Many thanks for your ongoing support. Best wishes

更新时间:23-12-21 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/xV2yeSiFHDjtEm3gxCQL_A 谢菲尔德大学上新了! 谢菲尔德大学位于英国-谢菲尔德,是红砖大学;罗素大学集团成员;N8大学联盟成员。研究生新课程-生物考古学MSc Bioarchaeology 近期,谢菲尔德大学推出了一个新的考古学课程-生物考古学硕士。学术要求:至少2:1本科荣誉学位,艺术,人文或科学学科。学生对考古学的兴趣和理解比本科阶段学习的内容更重要: 如果学生在申请中表现出对考古学的兴趣,大学也可能会考虑其他学科的学位。 语言要求:雅思总分6.5分,各部分至少6.0分,或同等成绩。 学费标准:国际学生(2024年费):27,650英镑 学生们将通过核心模块获得科学知识和技能培训,并能够通过选择与动物学,植物学,进化,景观和生态系统相关的一系列生物考古模块,根据自己的兴趣定制课程。学生通过生物考古学方面的学习研究,可以更加深入了解过去人类的生物背景和进化史,包括他们生活的动物、植物和环境的证据。这门课程的毕业生可以在学术界、商业考古学、文物管理和博物馆等众多领域从事未来职业发展。而同时也有许多人选择继续攻读博士学位。此外,大学对考古学的其他课程进行了改进,现在提供两个文学硕士和两个理学硕士: MA Archaeology and Archaeology考古与考古文学硕士MA Cultural Heritage Management文化遗产管理硕士MSc Bioarchaeology生物考古学硕士MSc Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology人类骨骼学和丧葬考古学硕士2024年通过我们递交,谢菲尔德大学独家专享奖学金给到优秀的谢大申请人。详细内容参考海报。我们一起祝你圆梦谢菲尔德大学!更多咨询,请联系我们文案提供:Joanna排版编辑:Reina

更新时间:23-12-13 来源:OfferEasy官网