
University of Reading

英国 公立


关于UK的University of Reading的奖学金、Clearing和申请等相关重要信息,请查看以下邮件。 IMPORTANT UPDATEVICE CHANCELLOR GLOBAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARD 2024/25From the original allocation of scholarships, we still have a number of awards remaining to allocate over the Confirmation and Clearing period. These scholarships will not require an application form. All international students who have gone Unconditional Firm by the 21 August 2024 and have demonstrated academic excellence will be automatically reviewed. This will include students who applied before the Clearing period. The successful students will be notified in September if they have been selected for one of these remaining awards. These scholarships of £4000 each are available to international undergraduate students only.Key information: These awards have been allocated to specific regions and are for international fee paying students.The scholarship will take the form of a tuition fee reduction of £4000 and is applied for each year of study.Recipients must be classified by the University as an International student for fees purposes.Scholarships are awarded primarily based on academic accomplishment.Please contact us if you have any questions.Best wishes, Global Recruitment (International)Global Recruitment and Admissions

更新时间:24-08-15 来源:OfferEasy官网


关于UK的University of Reading的Clearing的重要信息,请查看以下邮件。 This is the reminder from my colleague for clearing agent tagging. Please pass this to related colleagues. For any applicants to apply for a place with Reading via Clearing, they need to go through the following steps: Applicant fills in our Clearing enquiry form( or call the Clearing hot line)Admission office assess the qualification and make a decisionIf successful, the admission office will send an offer prompting the applicant to add UoR course as their Clearing choice on UCAS with a deadlineApplicant adds us as their Clearing choice on UCAS Please advise the agent to send us a tagging request once the applicant has done the step 4. Unless they action on UCAS, their application will not come on to RISIS and therefore the admin team cannot tag them. We often get a tagging request from agents when they simply submitted a Clearing enquiry form but those Clearing forms do not come in as “applicant” on RISIS and therefore we cannot tag them to agents. Clearing can be very confusing for agents so it is necessary our staff members are all aware of this so you can explain this to agents clearly. ? We also need their information for tagging as usual to be sent to international@reading.ac.uk, and they are: Full NameDoBUCAS or Reading ID numberName of the course they have applied Best regards, 

更新时间:24-07-18 来源:OfferEasy官网


文章来源:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/gHpkYDqOfBsDCZsGbY2JBw 雷丁大学在2024年QS世界大学排名中位列世界第169位,英国第26位。雷丁大学的综合实力在英国属于中上水平,部分专业在英国属于第一梯队。对雷丁大学还有不清楚的信息?没关系,快速Q&A让你一目十行快速了解这所超级牛但十分低调的大学。雷丁共几个校区?如何知道我所学习的课程在哪个校区学习?答:雷丁大学在英国共有 3 个校区,其中主校区为白骑士校区(Whiteknights),除了教育学和建筑, 其他课程均在此校区就读(包括商学院)。第二个校区是离主校区步行 15 分钟、更靠近雷丁市中心的伦敦路校区(London Road),雷丁大学的“教育学-Education”和“建筑-architecture”在此校区,第三个校区为格陵兰校区(Greenlands),这个校区为“原亨利管理学院”并入雷丁之前的校区,目前只有非全日制课程(如 EMBA,高管培训等)在此校区就读。学校位置在哪里,去伦敦是否方便?答:雷丁镇位于伦敦以西 40 英里,地处伦敦与牛津中间,乘坐火车到达位于伦敦市中心的 Paddington 火车站,只需要 30 分钟。大学主校区(Whiteknights)位于雷丁市南部,公交车(20、20A)15 分钟 左右即可到达。或者更简单的说....雷丁的话其实对于伦敦控可以重点考虑,雷丁本身到伦敦只要半个小时,用young person card只要15镑,还包括当天伦敦地铁票和公交,所以对于去伦敦浪非常方便,但雷丁镇本身物价比伦敦要低,也不不大,几条街而已,但购物非常方便。如何从伦敦西斯罗机场到达学校?答:从伦敦西斯罗机场有直达雷丁市的机场大巴(RailAir),从早上 9 点到晚上 9 点,每 30 分钟一 班,40 分钟左右到达雷丁,也可乘坐地铁线(伊丽莎白)从希斯罗前往雷丁。到达雷丁市后,可以乘 坐公交车或出租车到达住宿所在的位置。(注:由于在英国临时租车费用很贵,如未提前预约,不建议 直接从西斯罗机场打车前往雷丁。)雷丁距离伦敦这么近,费用怎么样呢?雷丁大学的学费是多少?生活费每年多少?答:雷丁大学的学费一般分为两个等级:无实验室类的授课课程(文科类)和有实验室类授课课程(理 工科类)。不同等级的各个课程学费略有不同,商学院部分课程费用标准稍有区别,请具体参照英文官 网和录取通知书。生活费(包括住宿、交通、食物等),建议 230-280 英镑/周。一年平均消费大致 27 万—35 万人民币。既然雷丁大学性价比这么高?!那么快来了解下雷丁大学那优秀的课程吧 雷丁大学的亨利商学院是英国最早成立的商学院,三重认证商学院。亨利商学院的明星是ICMA中心,由国际资本市场协会总部合作投资,是欧洲领先的证券市场与投资银行实务研究中心。ICMA主要开设金融类专业。ICMA中心拥有全欧洲最大规模之一的“仿真股票交易市场”,由Bloomberg、汤森路透赞助,提供专业的设备和详细的报价数据。雷丁大学课程及入学要求1)ICMA 是属于亨利商学院的吗?亨利商学院是属于雷丁大学的吗?答:ICMA(国际金融研究中心)是亨利商学院下属金融中心,亨利商学院是雷丁大学的商学院。 2)听说 ICMA 硕士课程要求 GMAT 成绩,是不是真的?要求达到多少才能获得录取? 答:ICMA 目前开设 9 个专业的硕士课程,除了 IAF 要求会计背景,其他专业不限制本科学术背景。但 大部分专业均要求比较好的数学基础,对于数学背景不够或数学成绩不高的同学来说,学校可能会要求 提供 GMAT 成绩(数学部分高于 75%)。 3)听说 ICMA 金融类硕士课程分为 9 个月和 12 个月两种,这两种课程有什么区别?我可以自由选择吗?答:雷丁大学 ICMA 中心开设 9 个月和 12 个月两种模式,学生可以自由选择 9 个月或 12 个月课程参 加学习。9 个月和 12 个月的课程从学位上并没有差别,学费、同学、老师也完全一样。但颁发学位的 时间不一样,9 个月的课程一般在 7 月份颁发学位证,12 个月的课程在年底签发。 4)我英语水平没有达到录取通知书的要求,可以申请在雷丁加读语言课程吗?需要加读多长时间的语言 课程?答:对于未达到雷丁学位课程入学要求的同学来说,可以通过加读“学期前英语语言课程”(Presessional English)来弥补,雷丁大学的暑期语言课程,分为 6 周(PSE G),10 周(PSE F)和 13 周(PSE E)三个模块。对于英语水平较低(不足 5.5),我们也开设长期语言课程(20 周/30 周/40 周)。就读语言的时间长度,需要根据目前的英语水平和入学要求决定,具体可参考网站: http://www.reading.ac.uk/PSE 5)“学前语言课程”申请截至日期是什么时候?完成课程需要参加考试吗?考试通过率如何?答:▪ 申请最晚日期为:开课前四周。▪ 完成“学前英语语言课程”,需要参加考试,达到学位课程英语入学要求水平方可进入学位学 习。测试的方式分为两种:内测(TEEP)或雅思(IELTS)考试,学生可以根据自己的情况来 选择任一种方式测试。TEEP 有效期为 2 年,同时配发的 PSE exit report 有效期为 6 个月。▪ 根据雷丁国际语言学院(ISLI)提供的数据,学前语言课程通过率一般为 95%以上。 6)听说雷丁同时提供“学期内英语语言课程”,申请条件是什么?应该如何申请? 答:在每个学年的第一个学期,雷丁大学“国际语言学院”(ISLI)同时为在读学位课程的同学,提供学 期内英语语言课程(In-sessional English)。所有就读学位课程的同学,均可以自由选择是否参加。此 课程免费,也不占任何学分。看了这么多,雷丁真的是吸引眼球,想去!更多相关信息,请联系加诚博教英欧市场部。文案:Joanna图文排版:Reina出品:加诚博教品牌市场部

更新时间:23-12-27 来源:OfferEasy官网


来自英国University of Reading的Newsletter,主要内容:雷丁大学本科奖学金研讨会及录取要求更新。What's new at the University of Reading?International undergraduate scholarships webinarThursday, 7 December 202311:00-12:00 GMT The University of Reading will be holding a webinar to give students an opportunity to find out more about the cost of living, what scholarships are available, and how to apply for them There will also be a Q&A where students will be able to ask questions.Register NowChanges to entry requirementsMaster's coursesFor the following programmes the academic requirements have been changed so that we can now consider applicants with a UK Second class Honours degree (2.2) or international equivalent: MSc Data Science and Advanced ComputingMA English LiteratureMSc Public PolicyMA International Relations and DiplomacyMA Conflict and International SecurityMA HistoryExplore Postgraduate StudyUndergraduate coursesTo coincide with changes to our modules, we will now accept students without A-level Mathematics or the recognised equivalent for our BSc Economics.The revamped modules will equip students with the knowledge to progress onto further modules with quantitative content, regardless of whether they have previously studied Maths at a higher level. The new entry requirements are: A-Level grades of ABB overall (or recognised equivalent)GCSE Mathematics at Grade 7 or above (or recognised equivalent)Launch your Speech and Language Therapy CareerAre you passionate about making a meaningful difference in people's lives through communication and language? If so, our MSc Speech and Language Therapy programme at the University of Reading might be the perfect opportunity for you. Ranked in the top 10 UK universities for Speech and Language Therapy (Complete University Guide, 2024), we offer an exciting and challenging master's degree that opens doors to a rewarding profession. What Sets Us Apart:Accredited by the Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC)A blend of theory and hands-on clinical practiceDirect experience with diverse client groupsAccess to cutting-edge research Key Programme Highlights:Comprehensive specialisms, from developmental disorders to fluency and aphasiaVaried teaching methods, including small group tutorials and practical sessionsClinical placements in schools, hospitals, and community clinicsModern facilities, including an on-site independent SLT clinic Application Deadline for this course: 31 January 2024 Got questions or need more information? Reach out to us at m.dewli@reading.ac.uk or schedule a free virtual 1:1 meeting.Missed our Master's Virtual Open Day?Watch on DemandYou can still watch all of the sessions from our Master's Virtual Open Day until 7 December. Just click on the button below and register to watch back in your own time.Biological Sciences: which course is for you?Find out what the differences are between our biological science and biomedical science undergraduate courses. Watch our webinar recording to find out more.Webinar Recording

更新时间:23-12-04 来源:OfferEasy官网