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/ 格鲁斯特大学
阅读:354次 添加时间:2017-10-18 编辑: admin
Sports Excellence Fund 2017/18*
The University is offering a Sports Excellence Fund for 2017/18 entrants during their first year. At least 15 awards of up to £2,500 will be made, of which 5 will be available to disabled students. This funding is supports students who perform within their sport at high National or International level and is paid in installments throughout the academic year.
格鲁斯特大学为2017/18 学年入学的学生提供体育优秀奖学金,体育优秀奖学金适用于第一学年。体育优秀奖学金至少有15个名额,每个名额的金额多达2500英镑,其中五个名额将提供给残疾学生。体育优秀奖学金为体育水平达到国家一流水平或达到国际水平的学生提供支助,体育优秀奖学金在整个学年期间分期发放。
Eligibility All Students will:
• be entering their first year of undergraduate study in September 2017
• have represented their sport at national or regional level or be able to demonstrate the potential to compete at these levels
• keep in contact with the Sports Scholarship Co-ordinator and attend meetings when necessary
Disabled students will also:
• be in receipt of benefits for their disability
Further information
We welcome applications from prospective students even if they have not yet received an offer, or had a place confirmed by the University.
Scholarship payments can only be made to students who are currently enrolled at the University of Gloucestershire on an eligible course.
Scholarships will be awarded each year to the best sportspersons from all applications submitted within the deadline.
Students studying on a part time basis who are awarded this scholarship will be paid pro-rata dependent on the amount of credits undertaken.
Scholarship funds are paid directly into the student's bank account, following regular interviews with the Sports Scholarship Co-ordinator. Payments will be made in four instalments; 20% in October 2017, 30% in December 2017, 30% in April 2018 and 20% in June 2018.
If an award is terminated for any reason, a student must repay the University any monies overpaid, based on a pro-rata calculation from the date of the termination of the scholarship.
The University will terminate the award for any student who ceases to be an enrolled student of the University of Gloucestershire, for whatever reason
*The Sports Excellence Fund for 2017 /18 is subject to approval.
*2017 /18 学年的体育优秀奖学金有待批准。
Music Scholarship
We are looking for a new cohort of Music Scholars to play a key part in our development of both our choir and orchestra
If you are a full or part time student within the University and can play an orchestral instrument or are a confident vocalist, having reached a Grade 5 or equivalent standard, then you could be offered a Music Scholarship.
如果你是格鲁斯特大学的学生(全日制和在职均可),能弹奏管弦乐乐器或是自信的歌手,并且已经达到 5 级或同等标准水平,那么你可以获得音乐奖学金。
• Annually receive £150 of vouchers to be spent in a local music store
• Free 30 minutes tuition on a weekly basis throughout term time from the University’s Director of Music to enhance your skills
• Free membership of the University Choir and/or Orchestra (saving you up to £60 per year)
• Regular opportunities to represent the University at ceremonial/corporate events and to perform in a range of venues locally and nationally
• Opportunities to take on discounted further music courses/assessments
• Adds to your CV and employability
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