
University of Canberra



阅读:54次添加时间:2024-08-05编辑: admin

Dear Valued Partners,

I am writing with great excitement that we announce the new scholarship offerings for our international students in 2025.

University of Canberra is a university for the professions, dedicated to providing immersive student experiences focussed on employability outcomes. This success is in part due to our two-pronged focus, encompassing progressive teaching and learning, as well as strong ties to industry. Students enjoy real-world work experience, internships, and clinical placements, meaning UC students get a taste for their future careers, even before graduation.

Each year, the University places great emphasis on awarding scholarships to our students. These new scholarships are designed to acknowledge and reward the achievements of students considering study at UC. By receiving these scholarships, students can remain focused on their studies and seize opportunities that will help them reach their future goals.

For more details on our 2025 scholarship offerings for our international students, please check the university's websitehere.

University of Canberra