Pre-Master’s in Science and Engineering可以衔接硕士有:
Liverpool MBA
Masters in Management
MBA Football Industries
MSc (Eng) Advanced Aerospace Engineering
MSc (Eng) Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology
MSc (Eng) Advanced Mechanical Engineering
MSc (Eng) Energy and Power Systems
MSc (Eng) Microelectro
nic Systems
MSc (Eng) Risk & Uncertainty
MSc (Eng) Sustainable Civil and Structural Engineering
MSc Digital Business Enterprise Management
MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management
MSc (Eng) Telecommunications and Wireless Systems
MSc Advanced Biological Sciences
MSc Advanced Chemical Sciences
MSc Advanced Computer Science
MSc Advanced Computer Science with Internet Economics
MSc Big Data and High Performance Computing
MSc Biomedical Engineering
MSc Business Analytics and Big Data
MSc Computer Science
MSc Co
nservation and Resource Management
MSc Enviro
nment and Climate Change
MSc Enviro
nmental Sciences
MSc Finance
MSc Financial Risk Management
MSc Geographic Data Science
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc Internatio
nal Business
MSc Marketing
MSc Operations and Supply Chain Management
MSc Palaeoanthropology
MSc Population and Health
MSc Programme and Project Management
MSc Sports Business
s in Business, Law and Social Sciences可以衔接硕士有:
Liverpool MBA
LLM Internatio
nal Human Rights Law
LLM Law (General)
LLM Law, Medicine and Healthcare
MA Art, Aesthetics and Cultural Institutions
MA Internatio
nal Relations and Security
MA Irish Studies
MA Media and Communication
MA Music Industry Studies
MA Philosophy
MA Town and Regio
nal Planning
Masters in Management
MBA Football Industries
MCD Town and Regio
nal Planning
MMus Music
MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management
MSc Enviro
nmental Assessment and Management
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc Internatio
nal Business
MSc Marine Planning & Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Programme and Project Management
MSc Sports Business
MSc Urban Regeneration and Management