1. 不管学生报读何种课程,学生签证统一都是500签证类别,不用区分高中生、大学生、博士生等类型,这一点与新西兰学生签证类似;
2. 学校出现两极分化。优质生上名校,风险更低。移民局对教育机构划分等级,等级高的学校,招收的学生不仅质量高,招生过程更加容易和便捷。(之前的SVP签证,移民局把部分审核权下放学校,实则是变相加重的学校的工作量和负担)。相对来说,等级低的学校,招生可能更容易,但签证申请会越来越严格 (可能会有资金、语言等相关要求)。
3. 新政要求学校把关更加严格,移民局将每3个月对学校一审核,低风险学校如果不严格把控学生质量,一旦出现滞留、记录不佳的学生量增大,其等级也会被下调。
本次内容只是对签证类型划分给出的明确定位,但由于具体内容尚未出台,还要等Legislative instrument出来,才能有更加详实的指导性操作指南。
The changes will mean: 具体的变化:
• A reduction in the number of student visa subclasses from eight to two, and
• The introduction of a simplified single immigration risk framework for all international students.
The SSVF will replac both the Streamlined Visa Processing (SVP) arrangements and the current Assessment Level framework and will apply to all international students.SSVF政策将取代SVP政策和目前的风险等级框架政策,更适用于国际学生。
It will lay out a student’s financial and English language evidentiary requirements based on two things: the immigration profile of the student’s country of citizenship and of their education provider.
“Australia is open for business and welcomes genuine and high quality international students who provide a much-needed boost to our economy, our local communities and jobs, and who boost our country-to-country relationships,” Minister Pyne said.
“We warmly welcome genuine international students and we are committed to improving and protecting the integrity of our immigration system.”
“After coming to office the Government moved immediately to improve competitiveness and it is pleasing to see growth in international student enrolments in Australia has resumed.”
Minister Cash said an improved approach to the administration of student visas as part of the SSVF will have clear benefits. The overall integrity of the student visa programme will be maintained, and the improved regulatory arrangements will avoid placing unnecessary burden or cost on education providers.
A working group with international education sector stakeholders is being formed to guide implementation of the new framework on the expiry of SVP arrangements on 30 June 2016.