










服务项目 费用 备注
一站式留学服务 2.6w 拒录全退
澳英0中介留学 1000元 拒录退/成功入学退
独立文书服务 2000元 修改到满意为止













成功: 4个
申请中: 0个
失败: 2个


Msc Engineering Project Management



Msc Advanced Engineering Materials



Sustainable Energy Systems



Materials Science and Engineering Masters/MSc



Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc






  • University of Birmingham-Materials Science and Engineering Masters/MSc的延期申请成功2020-11-26


  • 您的延期意向已经成功提交2020-08-11

    Mark 会在2个工作日内完成University of BirminghamMaterials Science and Engineering Masters/MSc的延期申请评估,请耐心等待! 如果比较紧急,请主动联系老师优先处理。

  • 非常遗憾,您收到The University of Manchester-Msc Engineering Project Management的拒录通知2020-07-18


  • University of Birmingham-Materials Science and Engineering Masters/MSc换最终录取的申请已经提交2020-07-10

    同学,University of Birmingham-Materials Science and Engineering Masters/MSc最终录取的申请已经递交至学校,请耐心等待审理结果。预计2-4周时间,可以收到最终结果。如果逾期未得,我们将积极跟进学校。

  • 申请进度更新啦,曼大关于押金退还的回复2020-05-18

    Subject: RE: Offer letter ID 10651822 Hello, Based on his English language sent results Miss Xingchen Liuis eligible for registering for and attending 6-week Pre-sessional English course at The University Language Centre of The University of Manchester. We have already added this on her ‘Checklist’ and the Pre-sessional team is expecting her to attend the course - if she chooses not to attend we will have to make a note on her file and a refund will not be made. For any queries regarding pre-sessional courses please email the pre-sessional team at presessional@manchester.ac.uk. Regards, The Admissions Team Postgraduate Recruitment and Admissions Team Department of Materials & Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road | Manchester | M13 9PL | pgt-materials@manchester.ac.uk Following the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation on 25th May, the link below provides information about the use of personal information when you make enquiries about studying at The University of Manchester (including by registering to attend our open days), make an application and if you go on to become an offer holder: http://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/privacy-notice/

  • 恭喜您,收到University of Birmingham-Materials Science and Engineering Masters/MSc 的Offer!2020-04-24

    同学,恭喜您获得University of Birmingham-Materials Science and Engineering Masters/MSc 的offer~ 非常棒! 以下是相关注意事项~ 1 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名,生日,专业等(老外不比咱中国人靠谱)~ 2 如果是conditional offer,请务必认真阅读offer条件,并及时补交相关材料给一起留学网满换取full offer(或配语言)。 3 如果想申请语言班,请及时和老师进行时间规划~ 4 请关注“任务”中关于接受录取的信息,并及时完成。

  • 申请进度更新啦,曼大语言课程录取回执2020-04-02

    Subject: Pre-sessional Payment Request Dear Xingchen Liu Thank you for completing the previous study survey. Your Pre-sessional English Course (August) 6 weeks application has now been successful and you can now pay your course fees online. Once payment has been received you will receive confirmation of your unconditional offer within 5 working days. In order to pay your fees you will need to provide the following details: • Your University of Manchester student ID number (10651822) • Your name • Your date of birth • Your credit/debit card details Please go to online payments and choose the correct course. The deadline for payment is 2nd May 2020. If you have any problems, please email presessional@manchester.ac.uk. After making payment you are not required to email us. We receive automatic notification once payment is received. Please help us to cut down on emails by not sending us an email after making payment via the on-line shop. If you are a sponsored student please send us a copy of your sponsorship letter or let us know if you require a conditional offer. If you have already paid the fees please send us details of your payment quoting the MAN payment reference number. If you have any queries please refer to our FAQs and booking conditions. Kind regards Janet

  • 恭喜您,收到The University of Manchester-6周语言班 的Offer!2020-04-02

    同学,恭喜您获得The University of Manchester-6周语言班 的offer~ 非常棒! 以下是相关注意事项~ 1 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名,生日,专业等(老外不比咱中国人靠谱)~ 2 如果是conditional offer,请务必认真阅读offer条件,并及时补交相关材料给一起留学网满换取full offer(或配语言)。 3 如果是full offer,请务必注意offer是否有标注截止时间,及时接受offer并缴费换CAS 4 如果想申请语言班,请及时和老师进行时间规划~

  • 申请进度更新啦,伯明翰大学拒录回执2020-03-31

    主题:Your application for postgraduate study at Birmingham University ID: 2214156 Dear Miss Liu, Your application for the MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering has been carefully considered, but I am sorry to inform you that we are unable to make you an offer. May I thank you for your interest in study at the University of Birmingham. Yours sincerely Roderick Smith Director of Admissions

  • 非常遗憾,您收到University of Birmingham-Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc的拒录通知2020-03-31


  • 申请进度更新啦,曼大工程项目管理延期出结果至5月11日2020-03-24

    Subject: MSc Application Outcome Dear Xingchen, University of Manchester ID: 10651822 I would like to thank you for your patience while we considered your application to MSc Engineering Project Management as part of Stage 3 of the staged admissions cycle. I am writing to advise you that we are unable to make a final decision on your application in this stage. Therefore, as outlined in the staged admissions process on our website, your application will move to the Stage 4 for further consideration. We aim to provide decisions on the applications in Stage 4 in the week beginning 11 May 2020. Applications for our taught postgraduate courses are extremely competitive and the number of applications we receive far exceeds the number of available places. However, this year we have experienced unprecedented demand for the Management of Projects suite of courses with well over 4,000 applications already received to date. As places are limited, we give preference to those applicants who best meet our selection criteria. We may be in contact with you before the communication week to request any further documents needed to complete the review of your application. If not, you will receive a further update on your application between 11-16 May 2020 With best wishes Polly Burke-Moulson Recruitment and Admissions Manager The Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering The University of Manchester

  • The University of Manchester-Msc Advanced Engineering Materials 的预录取已经接受2020-03-05

    同学,你的The University of Manchester-Msc Advanced Engineering Materials 押金已经成功支付到学校,并且录取已经接受成功。

  • 您的申请已经成功递交至校方2020-03-03

    学校:The University of Manchester 课程:6周语言班 【温馨提示】校方的审理周期一般为2-4周,请耐心等待。我们一般不建议在审理周期内催促校方尽快审理,以免影响他们的正常工作;如果逾期未收到结果,我们会积极帮您跟进审理。

  • 同学,学校已经开始审理您的申请2020-02-15

    学校:University of Birmingham 专业:Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc 【温馨提示】校方的审理周期一般为4-8周,请耐心等待。我们一般不建议在审理周期内催促校方尽快审理,以免影响他们的正常工作;如果逾期未收到结果,我们会积极帮您跟进审理。

  • 同学,学校已经开始审理您的申请2020-02-15

    学校:University of Birmingham 专业:Materials Science and Engineering Masters/MSc 【温馨提示】校方的审理周期一般为4-8周,请耐心等待。我们一般不建议在审理周期内催促校方尽快审理,以免影响他们的正常工作;如果逾期未收到结果,我们会积极帮您跟进审理。