类型 | 总分 | 小分 |
IELTS | 6.5 | L:7 / S:6 / W:6 / R:7 |
服务项目 | 费用 | 备注 |
一站式留学服务 | 2.6w | 拒录全退 |
澳英0中介留学 | 1000元 | 拒录退/成功入学退 |
独立文书服务 | 2000元 | 修改到满意为止 |
MA Global Media Management
Digital Media and Society
Media, Communications and International Journalism MSc
Communication and Media MA
International Journalism MA
【请知晓】 国家级机密文件夹《礼包2:CAS来后指南包》(精简版)已发送~ 事关您的终身大事哟~ 请擦亮您的双眼~ 【★★★接下来的任务是?★★★】 1 请确认收到大礼包、并保存好! 下载链接:http://apply.17liuxue.com(目前只能通过电脑端下载~) *内含重点文件签证材料打包框架~ 2 去银行开具满足条件的存款证明! *保证金务必已经存够28天~ 具体操作,请结合你的“申请中心”里的对应任务的指导说明~ 3 根据“签证材料打包框架-文件夹,按对应材料放进去,再压缩、上传到申请中心! *不用把材料邮寄给我们,只需提供电子件用以签证老师审核及帮你完成预约工作~ @@@拒绝拖延症 从我做起@@@@
学校:University of Leeds 专业:Communication and Media MA 【注意事项】 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名、生日、专业等(如有错误,请告知服务老师联系校方修改)
学校:University of Leeds 专业:Communication and Media MA 【温馨提示】校方的审理周期一般为1-3周,请耐心等待。我们一般不建议在审理周期内催促校方尽快审理,以免影响他们的正常工作;如果逾期未收到结果,我们会积极帮您跟进审理。
同学,你的University of Leeds-Communication and Media MA 已经确认接受成功。
您好,童鞋! 《礼包1:CAS来前4件事》发你了哈~ 【重点优先事项须知?】 在CAS来之前,请确认以下4件重要事项: 1 确认自己是否需要ATAS; 2 办理好符合要求的资金材料(存在自己名下+定期3个月); 3 做好体检(项目只需做肺结核); 4 准备好面签问题的回答。 ------温馨 提示 分割线------ 英国移民局认可的体检医院在以下14个城市,请务必根据近期个人动向合理安排体检地点与时间—— 北京、成都、重庆、福州、广州、杭州、哈尔滨、济南、南京、上海、沈阳、深圳、武汉、西安
恭喜你一路打败小怪兽,进入到签证环节啦! 接下来请火速联系你的签证老师,GET签证材料准备清单吧!
恭喜进入申请CAS前最重要的材料准备阶段~ 1. 请主动联系服务老师沟通换取University of LeedsCommunication and Media MA的CAS所需材料; 2. 如果已经上传所需材料,请直接联系服务老师沟通申请CAS事宜。
同学,恭喜您获得University of Leeds-International Journalism MA 的offer~ 非常棒! 以下是相关注意事项~ 1 务必认真核查offer的信息,尤其是姓名,生日,专业等(老外不比咱中国人靠谱)~ 2 请务必注意offer是否有标注截止时间,及时接受offer并缴费换CAS 3 请关注“任务”中关于接受录取的信息,并及时完成。
主题:Zhuangyue Zhang:Your application for a place to study MA Global Media Management 7826, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Southampton Ref: MA Global Media Management Dear Zhuangyue We notice from our records that although you have recently accepted our offer of a place to study at the University of Southampton for entry in academic year 202021, you have not yet paid your deposit within 32 working days of accepting the offer. As you have not secured your place, we will now be withdrawing our offer of a place to study at the University in academic year 202021. If you have paid your deposit within the last few days, please ignore this email as it is an automated one. We wish you luck with your future studies. Kind regards Postgraduate Admissions Team University of Southampton AdmissionsPGT.AH@soton.ac.uk
同学,你的University of Southampton-MA Global Media Management 录取已经被学校取消,具体原因应该是逾期未接受录取或未支付要求的押金。具体可以查看申请中心下是否有相关超时任务。
主题:University of Leeds: Reminder to pay deposit or provide exemption evidence CRM Tracking Token:0001027209 Dear Zhuangyue You have not yet either paid the £1500 tuition fee deposit or provided appropriate exemption evidence, such as a final letter of sponsorship award, in order for the University to issue your CAS. Details of the tuition fee deposit scheme, including information regarding exemptions, can be found on our website. As soon as you are able, please complete the 'Deposit and exemption’ form in the Messages section of your applicant portal. You will be asked to make one of the following choices: - If you believe that you will be exempt from paying the deposit, please choose the specific reason and provide your evidence. This will be reviewed and you will be informed of the outcome by email. - If you will be paying the deposit, please choose the option 'Do not meet any of the exemption criteria above'. There is no need to upload any evidence. You will then see a new portal section called My CAS Payments, with information on how to pay the deposit. If you are waiting for confirmation of external funding, please do not complete the 'Deposit and exemption’ form until you have your final award letter. We are not able to exempt applicants on the basis of scholarship application forms or conditional awards, as these do not guarantee that you will receive funding. For most applicants, there is no deadline to pay or to provide your exemption details, but we ask that you ensure you will have enough time to prepare to come to Leeds. However, deadlines are in place for applicants to the below courses: - Summer pre-sessionals: please visitwww.leeds.ac.uk/presessional for details We also reserve the right not to issue your CAS if we do not believe that you will be able to receive a visa in time to start your course. Please also note that the earliest we can issue your CAS is six months before the start date of your course. If you have any queries regarding this message you can either contact us via the My Enquiries section of the applicant portal or send an email to the Admissions Enquiries team. (Please do not reply to this email as this account is not monitored.) Kind regards, The University of Leeds
主题:University of Leeds: A decision has been made on your application CRM Tracking Token:0002770762 Dear Zhuangyue, The University of Leeds admissions team has completed its review of your application for MA Communication and Media. After careful consideration we regret that we are unable to offer you a place on the programme. The reason for this decision is that your previous study suggests you do not have the skills or knowledge required to succeed in your proposed programme of study. We appreciate your interest in studying at the University of Leeds and wish you every success in the future. (Please do not reply to this email as this account is not monitored.) Kind regards, The University of Leeds