Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) 课程长度:2 year(s) full-time 开学时间:February 学费:2019: AUD$ 28,900 per annum (per 1.0 EFTSL) CRICOS code :077214E 语言要求: An IELTS (Academic) overall score of at least 7.0 with no sub-band less than 7.0 PTE:65 with no communicative score less than 65 (推荐同学们多多注意PTE,据说更加容易考到,实在考不到,就申请加语言课) 入学要求: Applicants must have completed: an AQF Bachelor degree or equivalent from a recognised higher education institution with a competitive GPA, noting that entry is competitive and based on academic merit; and one year of full-time equivalent study, as part of their Bachelor degree or equivalent, relevant to one or more learning areas of the primary school curriculum (Arts, English, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages, Mathematics, Science, Technologies), which includes a minimum half a year of equivalent study relevant to one of the learning areas of the primary school curriculum. submit a 400-600 word Teaching Capabilities Statement which speaks to your motivation to be a teacher. 由上述要求可知,大多数的中国本科专业,都可以申请澳洲的幼教硕士课程。其中一篇400到600词的英文申请陈述,和一些自己与幼教相关的实习,工作经历,都会对申请成功大大加分。 南澳大学幼教硕士课程具有实用性,专注于从出生到八岁的儿童的教育。该课程学习中,实践教学是一个主要组成部分,学生将在幼儿园,学前班/幼儿园和初级小学完成为时80天的四个有监督的实习。澳洲的婴幼儿,从出生半年开始,送进幼儿园的比例就很高了。据以往在南澳大学读幼教硕士的学生反映说,实习是非常好玩,也挺累的。每天的工作是把澳洲可爱的胖娃娃们搬进搬出,带他们玩,做游戏,以及学习简单的知识,需要体力,也需要耐心。有个别女生抱娃娃的姿势不对,还扭到了腰,所以提前要做好力量锻炼啊,有的胖娃娃是挺重的。此外,学习幼教,进行实习,也真是要具备好的身体素质,注意防流感,注意打好疫苗,都是经验之谈。 学生该课程主要是专注于儿童发展、课程研究、专业经验、教育研究四个领域发展,除此之外,还要完成英语、数学、科学三门必修课。 不仅如此, 南澳大学还为幼教硕士提供了国际生优异奖学金: “International-Merit-Scholarship”: Recipients will receive a 25% reduction in their student contributions (tuition fees) for their first year of study into their chosen program, up to a maximum of two semesters or eight courses. Students will be automatically assessed when applying for an eligible program. 上述英文来源:南澳大学官网,网址: https://www.unisa.edu.au/Study-at-UniSA/International-students/Scholarships/International-Merit-Scholarship/ 这个奖学金是根据本科成绩自动发放的,一般本科成绩到达平均80分,都可能获得。
更新时间:2020-03-16 03:52:01来源:OfferEasy官网