ECC4650 Microeconomics
ECC4660 Macroeconomics
ECC4860 Research paper (12 points)r
(b.) three elective units from the following list:
ECC4670 Development economics
ECC4690 International trade policy
ECC4700 Competition, regulation and policy
ECC4710 Post-Keynesian economics
ECC4720 Law and economics
ECC4750 Financial economics
ECC4790 Project evaluation
ECC4810 Public economics
ECC4830 Welfare economics
ECC4840 Economics of industry, institution and organisation
ECC4870 Health economics
ECC4990 Economic evaluation of health services
ETC4430 Quantitative economic policy
Second year (c.) five compulsory units:
ECC5650 Microeconomic theory
ECC5660 Macroeconomic theory
ECC5850 Mathematical economic theory
ECC5861 Economics research paper (12 points)
(d.) two elective units from the following list:
ECC5810 Public economics
ECC5840 Information, incentives and games