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/ 新南威尔士大学TESOL专业研究生申请条件及世界排名|学费介绍
阅读:397次 添加时间:2018-09-27 编辑: yuanxue
Elective Courses in Education
EDST5032 Ethnographic & Action Research
EDST5101 Experimental Research Design
EDST5103 Survey Research
EDST5104 Educational Assessment
EDST5105 ICT - based Learning
EDST5106 Behaviour Management
EDST5107 High Incidence Disabilities
EDST5108 Introduction to Modern Test
EDST5109 Performance based Culture
EDST5110 Leadership for Gifted Students
EDST5111 Intellectual Disabilities
EDST5113 Students with ASD
EDST5114 Curriculum and Assessment
EDST5118 Prof Practice SpEd
EDST5120 Qualitative Research
EDST5121 Introduction to University L&T
EDST5122 Student Learning in HE
EDST5123 Educational Design in HE
EDST5124 Enhancing L&T in HE
EDST5126 Issues in Higher Education
EDST5127 Coaching and Mentoring
EDST5128 Communication Disorders
EDST5129 Transitions
EDST5130 Leadership in Action
EDST5131 Teaching Oral Communication
EDST5138 Inclusive Education
EDST5140 Visual Arts Education Issues
EDST5141 Crit Engage Indigenous Edu
EDST5142 Leading Educational Change
EDST5143 Critical Persp in Ed Lead
EDST5144 Theor. frameworks Vis Art Ed
EDST5201 Philosophical Issues in Educ'n
EDST5205 Research in Science Ed
EDST5303 Learning and Problem Solving
EDST5306 Human Development & Education
EDST5307 Mental Processes
EDST5308 Teacher Learning
EDST5313 Adult Learning
EDST5314 Building Resilience
EDST5320 Individual Differences
EDST5321 Motivation in Education
EDST5322 Scaffolding EAL/D Learners
EDST5325 TESOL Professional Practice
EDST5431 Financial Issues in Ed Lead
EDST5433 Organisation Theory in Educ.
EDST5436 evaluation of Educ Prog
EDST5438 Leadership Theory
EDST5439 Legal Issues in Ed Leadership
EDST5440 Adv TESOL Method
EDST5441 Adv TESOL CurricDesign & Asses
EDST5443 Assessment for Learning
EDST5445 Workplace Lead Dev Project
EDST5448 Classroom-based Research
EDST5450 Leading Individuals & Teams
EDST5451 Ed Policy: Theory & Practice
EDST5452 Issues in Language Education
EDST5453 Culture and Curriculum
EDST5454 Developing Literacies
EDST5455 HRM in Education
EDST5456 Language and Learning
EDST5457 Literature Review in Education
EDST5458 Researching HE
EDST5459 School based Management (
EDST5460 Specialist Study in Education
EDST5461 Issues in Ed Leadership
EDST5462 Teacher Leadership
EDST5463 Engaging Ed Research Lit
EDST5608 Effective Schools
EDST5800 Current Issues in Educ. of IGC
EDST5802 Identification of GC
EDST5803 Devlp Effect Programs for GS
EDST5805 Curr Diff & Assess in GiftedEd
EDST5806 Creativity & Giftedness
EDST5807 Social & Emot. Devel. of IGC
EDST5808 Key Concepts in Gifted Ed
EDST5888 Project
本科学位+研究生教育学位(如教育学研究生文凭Graduate Diploma of Education或教学硕士Master of Teaching),或4年教师资格岗前培训证书且包括工作经验等同于新南威尔士洲的毕业教师资格水平
TESOL证书由TESOL协会的授权机构认证并颁发,是全球公认的ESL(教授英语为第二语言)教师职业资格证书,其技术水准代表了英语教学技能的国际标准; 持有者、英语培训领域的专家,被国际上80多个国家的5000多所学校认可,子啊全世界拥有近百个团体会员和14000多名专业人士; 在北美、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰等英语国家,大部分学校和语言培训机构都认可TESOL证书,目前已经有80多个国家开设了TESOL课程。 合格毕业生将具有教育领域的国际视野; 坚实的专业基础为毕业生提供广泛的就业机会:可从事充实面向儿童、青少年和成人的英语教学工作和语言教学工作