Advanced Concrete Structures (CIVL5269)
Advanced Research and Analysis (CIVL5999)
Advanced Wastewater Engineering (CHNG5006)
Advanced Water Resources Engineering (CIVL6665)
Applied Fluid Engineering Computing (CIVL6669)
Capstone Project A (CIVL5020)
Capstone Project B (CIVL5021)
Capstone Project B Extended (CIVL5022)
Computational Fluid Dynamics (AMME5202)
Dissertation A (CIVL5222)
Dissertation B (CIVL5223)
Engineering Graduate Exchange A (ENGG5231)
Engineering Graduate Exchange B (ENGG5232)
Engineering for Sustainable Development (CIVL5320)
Entrepreneurship for Engineers (ENGG5102)
Fundamentals of Wind Engineering for Design (CIVL5668)
Geoenvironmental Engineering (CIVL5351)
Geotechnical Hazards (CIVL5453)
Humanitarian Engineering (CIVL9310)
Interdependent Civil Systems (CSYS5020)
Introduction to Complex Systems (CSYS5010)
Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering (CIVL5458)
Open Channel Flow and Hydraulic Structures (CIVL6666)
Project Process Planning and Control (PMGT5871)
Reservoir, Stream and Coastal Engineering (CIVL5670)
Safety Systems and Risk Analysis (ENGG5103)
Steel Structures - Stability (CIVL5266)
Structural Rehabilitation and Timber Design (CIVL5277)
Sustainable Design, Eng and Mgt (ENGG5202)
Transport Policy, Planning and Deployment (CIVL9703)
Wastewater Engineering (CHNG5005)
Water Management and Variable Climate (AFNR5512)