英国大学生物科学(Biological Sciences )排名一览

阅读:1268次 添加时间:2017-11-09 编辑: gouyuling

导读: 英国在生命科学方面拿到超过20座的诺贝尔奖,从过去发现DNA的结构,到近代细胞培养技术的发展,英国科学家在这个领域已有许多重大的突破。英国拥有大约500家生物科技工业应用公司,比欧洲任何家都多。下面一起留学网为您简单介绍2018年英国大学生物科学(Biological Sciences )排名一览。如果你有更多疑问,欢迎点击右侧的咨询栏或者关注我们公众号【一起留学网】,公众号里每周都有留学讲座哦!

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    生物学科学(Biological Sciences)是STEM(科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、数学(Mathematics)的总称)派别中的一支。作为科学领域中极具含金量的学科之一,向来是中国留学生热门选择之一。虽然今年该领域的诺贝尔奖颁给了美国的三位学者,但是小编可以负责任地告诉你,英国在生命科学方面拿到超过20座的诺贝尔奖,可以讲是前无古人后无来者了。可想而知,英国大学在生物科学方面的教育质量拔得头筹。


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    英国大学生物科学(Biological Sciences )排名一览

    Subject rank Overall rank University Total score
    1 1 University of Cambridge 100.0.0
    2 2 University of Oxford 98.7
    3 4 Imperial College London 97.8
    4 3 University of St Andrews 97.6
    5 6 Lancaster University 96.9
    6 5 Durham University 95.6
    7= 23 University of Dundee 95.4
    7= 16= University of York 95.4
    7= 7= University College London 95.4
    10 16= University of Bristol 95.2
    11 28= Kings College London 94.8
    12 9 University of Warwick 94.7
    13 14 University of Exeter 94.5
    14 41 University of Strathclyde 94.3
    15 21 University of Sheffield 94.1
    16= 31 University of Kent 93.9
    16= 24 University of Edinburgh 93.9
    18 15 University of Birmingham 93.5
    19= 27 University of Sussex 93.3
    19= 20 University of Glasgow 93.3
    21 19 University of Surrey 93.2
    22 10 University of Leeds 92.5
    23 36= Swansea University 92.1
    24= 25 University of Manchester 92.0.0
    24= 34 University of Leicester 92.0.0
    26 30 University of Southampton 91.7
    27 42 University of Liverpool 91.6
    28 46 Aston University 91.3
    29 47= Nottingham Trent University 91.1
    30 40 University of Aberdeen 91.0.0
    31 12 University of Bath 90.9
    32 18 University of Nottingham 90.4
    33 13 University of East Anglia 90.1
    34 28= Royal Holloway, University of London 90.0.0
    35= 53 University of Portsmouth 89.6
    35= 26 Newcastle University 89.6
    37 59 Brunel University London 89.5
    38 47= Aberystwyth University 89.1
    39= 22 University of Essex 88.7
    39= 35 Cardiff University 88.7
    41 82 Robert Gordon University 88.5
    42= 65 University of Huddersfield 88.3
    42= 98 Abertay University 88.3
    44 52 Liverpool Hope University 88.2
    45 54 University of Lincoln 87.8
    46 92 Teesside University 87.6
    47= 32 University of Reading 87.5
    47= 70= Sheffield Hallam University 87.5
    49 50 Keele University 87.4
    50 38 Queens University, Belfast 87.1
    51 122 Birkbeck, University of London 87.0.0
    52 109= Glasgow Caledonian University 86.5
    53 45 University of Stirling 86.4
    54 86= Plymouth University 86.2
    55 63= Staffordshire University 86.0.0
    56= 102= Queen Margaret University 85.9
    56= 84 Oxford Brookes University 85.9
    58 61= University of Chester 85.8
    59= 90 Cardiff Metropolitan University 85.7
    59= 55 Bangor University 85.7
    61= 75= University of Hull 85.5
    61= 43 Queen Mary, University of London 85.5
    61= 75= University of Bradford 85.5
    64 75= St Georges, University of London 85.4
    65 39 Heriot-Watt University 85.3
    66 44 Coventry University 85.2
    67 123 Leeds Beckett University 84.9
    68= 100= University of the West of Scotland 84.8
    68= 57 University of the West of England 84.8
    68= 93 University of Central Lancashire 84.8
    71 73 Ulster University 84.5
    72 102= University of Worcester 84.2
    73 66 Northumbria University 84.0.0
    74 91 Middlesex University 83.3
    75= 74 University of Roehampton 83.2
    75= 116 Edinburgh Napier University 83.2
    77 112 University of Brighton 83.1
    78 94 Bath Spa University 82.9
    79= 106= University of Westminster 82.8
    79= 70= Liverpool John Moores University 82.8
    81 89 University of Hertfordshire 82.6
    82= 80 Manchester Metropolitan University 82.5
    82= 81 University of Derby 82.5
    84 124 University of Bolton 82.4
    85= 88 University of Salford 82.3
    85= 109= University of Greenwich 82.3
    87= 117 Kingston University 81.8
    87= 83 University of Gloucestershire 81.8
    89 96 University of Sunderland 81.7
    90 129 University of Suffolk 81.3
    91 108 University of Bedfordshire 80.6
    92 61= Edge Hill University 80.5
    93 128 London Metropolitan University 79.6
    94 106= London South Bank University 79.5
    95 113 Anglia Ruskin University 79.2
    96 79 Bournemouth University 78.7
    97 111 Canterbury Christ Church University 77.7
    98 97 University of Northampton 77.5
    99 119= University of South Wales 77.1
    100 114 University of East London 74.8
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