首段:背景介绍(个性开篇)+争议焦点(淡化模板)+ 作家立场(清晰表达)
尾段:再次亮明观点 + (总结理由)
贫困和社会问题导致犯罪 = 外因引起犯罪:
1. 贫困的家庭孩子没有受到良好教育,不能明辨是非,容易被引入迷途。
2. 科技发展,传媒多元,色情暴力节目的传播,毒害心灵,误导人生观,诱发犯罪冲动。
3. 枪支泛滥,为犯罪提供了便利,例如,在一些西方国家,枪支买卖合法。
1. 有人认为,人性本恶,嫉妒,贪婪,自私,都是人的固有本质,一旦在后天被激发,没有正确的引导,会导致一些反社会行为的发展。
2. 例如,女性经济犯罪;黑社会大哥的惯性犯罪,报复社会,诅咒和憎恨他们认为不公平的社会
Alarmingly, various stories concerning crimes have been pushing into spotlight. Conflicting ideas clash in finding out the root causes of misdeeds. My stand is that external reasons have a bigger influence on those misconducts. Nobody is born to be a criminal.
My arguments could be easily explored. One contributing factor triggering manifold malefactions could be owed to the external circumstances in which the one is raised. To put in details, in some poverty-stricken or violent families, children are usually not properly taken care of and they stand few chances of receiving fine education, it is likely that such children may easily be led astray and even worse, they may conduct some anti-social offences. Still, pornographic or otherwise vulgar forms of media, have a really adverse impact on the young because the young can, in most cases, find it rather difficult to make positive choices about the types of influences in their lives, thus,it is possible for them to turn to a life of crime. Last, many perilous products that could be harnessed commit crimes are very easily and cheaply available to the youths. In fact, guns are sold in a number of stores in some countries. This fact alone makes it very easy for some people to embark on the criminal road.
Granted, some people might remain suspicious of my stand and believe that those perpetrators are born to be evil. Some people argue that habitual malefaction is the main root cause of high crime rate. As for those felons such as gangsters boss or professional blackguards, to break the law is to take revenge on the society which they think unfair. Besides, some people contend that such is human nature to be greedy, selfish and jealous, which accounts for many types of crimes. It is also found that some women commit economic crimes simply because they are more vain and avaricious than others.
In a nutshell, I re-affirm my stand that different crimes could be combination of various elements, however, in comparison with evil nature, external factors actually play a profound influence in leading some immature or inexperienced people to go astray.